Saturday, 2 April 2016

Strickland State Forest Walk

After a warm Saturday (30+ degrees), today was a much cooler day (24 degrees). After this mornings rain, we decided to head to the local rainforest to walk the dogs.

Strickland State Forest has 6 different walking trails and we chose the ones deep in the heart of the forest - The Bellbird and Arboretum Trails.

The Arboretum Trail starts from the lower carpark "Stoney Creek Car Park" and the track follows Stoney Creek through some of the oldest tree plantations and thick dense bush. The trail is approximately 2.2km and connects to The Bellbird Trail which adds an additional 1.1km to the trail.

Alot of the creeks and river were full and flowing which made the air alot more humid than some of the "dryer" weather.

Towards the end of the trail is the big suspension bridge over the creek. Skyler seems to either hate heights or bridges as she takes super long crossing the bridge. She was even slower than me in my moon boot!

One of the disadvantages of trekking in rain forests in hot, humid and weather is that it brings out the leaches which hang out on the wet leaves etc and catch on to you as you walk past. By the end of the walk, i took my boots off and removed 11 leaches in total. They are harmless, just annoying and your feet dont stop bleeding for a while afterwards.

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